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FAQ Topic: Real estate and rentals

What is needed before I sell my property?

A Certificate of Occupancy is needed for settlement. Complete Application for Real Estate Transfer – Clifton Heights, PA ( Fee is $100.00 per unit. Borough of Clifton Heights ( Schedule an inspection. Inspector’s will provide a report with items that need to be corrected. Reschedule follow up inspection, inspector will provide certificate needed for settlement.

How much is a zoning application?

The application for zoning & use fee is $75.00. Borough of Clifton Heights ( Do rental properties need to be registered with the borough? Yes, all rental properties need to be registered within the borough. To register, please complete Application for Rental License – Clifton Heights, PA (  See breakdown of fees Code Enforcement Payments … Continued

How can I get a permit to replace my roof?

Complete a building permit application.  Provide contractor’s certificate of insurance & PA state license number.  Fees are based on the price of the total job, see breakdown of fees  Code Enforcement Payments – Clifton Heights, PA ( Fees can be paid through our online payment system Borough of Clifton Heights (

How do I get a permit?

Forward the following to our office, via mail, email or in person. Permit application – you can get from out website or stop in the office: 30 S. Springfield Rd Clifton Heights PA PA State License Certificate of Insurance Payment – fee is based off total price of job We will notify you after approval … Continued

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