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Borough Manager / Right-To-Know Officer



Thomas N. Micozzie

Thomas N. Micozzie was appointed Borough Manager in April of 2021. Thomas came to the Borough with a wealth of knowledge on Government and Municipal experience. A former Council member and Mayor of Upper Darby Township, Thomas also served County of Delaware for 38 years retiring in 2020.

A licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Thomas was an Assistant Administrator at Fair Acres Geriatric Center and served 10 years as Risk Manager and Labor Relations Director where he oversaw all casualty insurance lines and the counties unionized work force contracts and grievances.

A former Fire Chief and Public Safety Chairman in Upper Darby Township, Thomas also served as the Hazardous Materials Coordinator for the County, and Safety Committee chairman throughout the county workforce.  Thomas is married to Susan and has two married daughters and six grandchildren and lives in the Westbrook Park Section.

Responsibilities of the Borough Manager


The Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough of Clifton Heights and shall be responsible to the Borough Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough of Clifton Heights placed in his charge. The powers and duties for administration of all Borough of Clifton Heights business shall be vested in the Manager, unless expressly imposed or conferred by statute or ordinance upon other Borough of Clifton Heights officers or elected officials.


Subject to recall by ordinance, the powers and duties of the Borough of Clifton Heights Manager shall include the following:


Supervise and be responsible for the activities of all municipal departments except the Police Department;


Prepare and submit to the Borough Council a budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message, in such a timely fashion as will enable the Borough Council to consider and adopt the budget and related tax ordinances according to the requirements of law. In preparing the budget, the Manager, or an officer designed by him, shall obtain from the head of each department, agency or board, or any qualified officer thereof, estimates of revenues and expenditures and such other supporting data as is required. The Manager shall review such estimates and may revise them before submitting the budget to the Borough Council;


Be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by the Borough Council;


Develop, in conjunction with the preparation of the budget, long-range fiscal plans for the Borough of Clifton Heights, such plans to be presented annually to the Borough Council for its review and adoption;


Hold such other Borough of Clifton Heights offices and head such Borough of Clifton Heights departments as the Borough Council may from time to time direct;


Attend all meetings of the Borough Council and its committees with the right to take part in the discussions;


Prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Borough Council and supply facts pertinent thereto;


Keep the Borough Council informed as to the conduct of Borough of Clifton Heights affairs; submit such other reports as the Borough of Clifton Heights requests; and make such recommendations to the Borough of Clifton Heights as deemed advisable;


Submit to the Borough Council, as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the Borough of Clifton Heights for the preceding year;


See that the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Borough Council are observed
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