Snow Plowing & Salting


There are about 6 miles of roadway in the borough that is plowed and salted by the borough highway department. Baltimore Ave., Springfield Rd., S. Oak Ave., and the unit through 200 blocks of N. Oak Ave. are plowed and salted by PennDot. The borough also has a snow removal contract with A to U services for additional help during winter storms.

Snow Plowing

While the borough employees and contractors are on the street they make every effort to clear the street as quickly and safely as possible. If at all possible please try to stay off the roads during storms as it allows the crews to clear the streets much faster.


The borough will salt as needed during storms and for clean up afterwards. During a storm you may see us only salting the hills and/or intersections in town, this is to keep traffic moving safely, while conserving resources for the rest of the streets after the storm has passed.


The borough ordinance requires that snow be removed from all walkways within 24 hours from the end of the storm. When cleaning your sidewalks and cleaning off your cars please do not throw the snow into the street. If you have a fire hydrant near your residence please shovel around it, our firefighters would greatly appreciate it.

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